Stop Smoking Classes at East-West Wellness

Stop Smoking Classes at East-West Wellness

Tuesdays and Thursdays

5:00 – 6:00 PM

Drop in’s welcome

Appointments happily accepted



East-West Wellness

1148 West Dillon Road, Suite 1

Louisville, CO  80027

Cost of Smoking Cigarettes:

Based on smoking a pack (20 cigarettes) a day, and that you pay $5.96 for each pack. If you quit smoking today you will save:

  • $2,175.40 – in the next year. Cigarettes not smoked= 7300
  • $6,526.20 – over the next three years. Cigarettes not smoked= 21900
  • $10,877.00 – during the next five years. Cigarettes not smoked= 36500

Your actual costs/savings will be greater because taxes and price increases happen annually.

What will you do with your $2,000?  $6,000?  Or the abundance of $10,000?

There are also other costs that can’t be easily calculated, like the costs of future medical bills, or the income you might lose while sick or hospitalized, and – the hardest to measure – placing value on the quality of life you and your loved ones lose when you become seriously ill or die.   For example, it’s difficult to travel when toting oxygen tanks and a wheelchair – extra documentation and permissions from the airlines to transport hazardous materials, etc.

Smoking is a bad habit – no doubt about it.  The good news is, your health improves almost immediately after you quit.

Just 20 minutes after you stop smoking, your heart rate and blood pressure drop;

two weeks to three months after quitting, your circulation and lung function improve;

two years later, your heart disease and lung cancer risk are cut in half;

15 years later, your risk of heart disease is that of a nonsmoker’s. And if you’ve continued to slip that smoking money into an interest bearing savings account, you have $33,000 gaining interest.  Are you ready?  We can  help.


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